相信凱達米斯臨海??酒店 (Rinkai Hotel Kitamise)旅行最怕的就是選錯飯店或旅館~住起來不舒服的話
住了這間凱達米斯臨海??酒店 (Rinkai Hotel Kitamise)真棒^0^住起來超舒服的,
Both classically furnished Western rooms and Japanese rooms with futon beds and tatami (woven-straw) floors are available. All are air-conditioned and have a private bathroom.
The World Trade Center, Kyocera Dome and Tennoji Zoo are all a 25-minute drive from the hotel. Kansai International Airport is a 45-minute drive away.
Free Wi-Fi access is available in the lobby, and the hotel provides free-use bicycles so guests can explore. Male guests can use the traditional hot public bath.
The hotel’s restaurant serves Japanese specialities for breakfast and dinner.
- 【提醒您】加床規定依房型而異,請查看各房型的可入住人數限制了解詳細規定。
Please note that guests with a tattoo may not be permitted to enter public bathing areas and other public facilities.
Breakfast is served from 06:30-08:30, and dinner is served from 17:30-20:30. Meals can only be taken during these times. No refund will be given for missed meals. An accommodation tax per person per night is not included in the price and needs to be paid at the property. For guests staying in Osaka, this tax will only apply to stays which begin on and after 1 January 2017.
凱達米斯臨海??酒店 (Rinkai Hotel Kitamise) 討論,推薦,開箱,CP值,熱賣,團購,便宜,優惠,介紹,排行,精選,特價,周年慶,體驗,限時
凱達米斯臨海??酒店 (Rinkai Hotel Kitamise) 推薦, 凱達米斯臨海??酒店 (Rinkai Hotel Kitamise) 討論, 凱達米斯臨海??酒店 (Rinkai Hotel Kitamise) 部落客, 凱達米斯臨海??酒店 (Rinkai Hotel Kitamise) 比較評比, 凱達米斯臨海??酒店 (Rinkai Hotel Kitamise) 使用評比, 凱達米斯臨海??酒店 (Rinkai Hotel Kitamise) 開箱文, 凱達米斯臨海??酒店 (Rinkai Hotel Kitamise) 推薦, 凱達米斯臨海??酒店 (Rinkai Hotel Kitamise) 評測文, 凱達米斯臨海??酒店 (Rinkai Hotel Kitamise) CP值, 凱達米斯臨海??酒店 (Rinkai Hotel Kitamise) 評鑑大隊, 凱達米斯臨海??酒店 (Rinkai Hotel Kitamise) 部落客推薦, 凱達米斯臨海??酒店 (Rinkai Hotel Kitamise) 好用嗎?, 凱達米斯臨海??酒店 (Rinkai Hotel Kitamise) 去哪買?